Aindra Systems creates products in the domain of Artificial Intelligence, specifically computer vision. The mobile visual identification solution- SmartAttendance currently identify people, their demographics, objects, gestures and biological specimens.
The SAAS based, hardware agnostic & cloud based solution enables adoption of the product with zero capital expenditure and requires no dedicated hardware installation.
The current problems addressed by the mobile identification systems:
- Identifying people on-the-field, on-the-go to enhance the organization productivity.
- Providing a unified solution for the in office and on-the-field employees.
- OneClick attendance of the students in the classroom of educational institutes.
Aindra Sistem menciptakan produk dalam domain Artificial Intelligence, khususnya visi komputer. Mobile identifikasi visual solusi-SmartAttendance saat mengidentifikasi orang, demografi mereka, benda, gerak tubuh dan spesimen biologi.
Berdasarkan SAAS, solusi berbasis hardware agnostik & cloud memungkinkan adopsi produk dengan belanja modal nol dan tidak memerlukan instalasi perangkat keras khusus.
Masalah saat ini ditangani oleh sistem identifikasi ponsel:
- Mengidentifikasi orang on-the-lapangan, on-the-go untuk meningkatkan produktivitas organisasi.
- Memberikan solusi terpadu untuk di kantor dan on-the-bidang karyawan.
- OneClick kehadiran siswa di kelas lembaga pendidikan.